democratic convention riots

Democratic National Convention in Chicago: Will History Repeat Itself?

The Astrology of the 1968 and 2024 Chicago Democratic National Conventions

Image courtesy Chicago Sun Times

Chart from the first day of the 1968 Chicago Democratic National Convention

I was researching well-known figures born under Jupiter-Saturn squares in their chart when I found the chart of Abbie Hoffman, a well known counter-culture icon and revolutionary who wrote, “Steal this Book”. I also found the chart of Bobby Seale, the founder of the Black Panther movement. The thing these two men have in common besides their revolutionary tendencies, is their connection to the Conspiracy Eight, the alleged instigators of the Chicago Convention Riots in 1968.

During that convention protestors showed up in demonstration against the Vietnam war. The left was divided between those who supported and those who did not support the U.S. presence in Vietnam.

Riots ensued and were historically and shockingly broadcast, tear gas administered. Many were injured and at least one was killed.

The eerie connection to the 2024 Democratic Convention is apparent in the astrology. I’m remiss to predict that history may indeed repeat itself. With headlines pre-programming the potential for Gaza protestors and a presence of immigrants the fated full moon convention is looking like it will face disruptions.

Let’s explore.

For one, this convention is being held on the opposite full moon to the 1968 convention. So the sun of the 2024 convention chart is exactly conjunct the moon during the 1968 chart. The luminaries auspiciously placed near fixed star Regulus which is a royal star and also a fixed star related to Mars and militaristic aggression. The crowning of a king, or the convention for an election align with the themes of Regulus, and while sidereal astrologers know the planets aren’t quite literally aligned to Regulus, the themes and lore are still very powerful with this part of Leo season.

Both conventions had afflicted moons. The moon is squaring Neptune in the 1968 chart, and it will be squaring Uranus in tomorrow’s chart.

The North node from 1968 is almost exactly conjunct tomorrow’s North Node in Aries with the presence of Chiron near the north node. This is not a common alignment to have Chiron with the north node, an eerie echo to the past. This could point to aggression and ruthlessness.

A square between Mars and Neptune was present in both charts. Mars is aggression and Neptune ideals. This tension between these planets also point to poisoning and lethal nebulous neptunian things, like gases. We know in 1968 rioters were tear gased and quite frankly I wouldn’t be surprised if it happens again should a protest ensue tomorrow. The other possibility is a contamination of sorts, a spread of virus could be something as a result of this convention, especially given this is the first quarter square from the memorable 2020 conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn that coincided with Covid.

The other compelling fact is the location of Venus nearly conjunct in its fall in Virgo in both charts. The planet of values is being afflicted.

We find Saturn retrograde in both charts.

I was fascinated to stumble upon these likenesses and the fact that the Jupiter and Saturn square (the natal aspect of two key figures in the 1968 protests) will be exact on this anniversary of sorts to the 1968 Dem Convention. We also have the added tension of Mars squaring off with afflicted Venus and retrograde Saturn.

Whether we see ardent far-right opposition to the potential of a female of color presidential candidate, uprisings in revolt to the War we find ourselves in now (or something else), I believe this is going to be a momentous day facing many disruptions.

Chart of tomorrow’s, August 19th full moon commencement of Dem Nat’l Convention in Chicago