pisces lunar eclipse

Pisces Lunar Eclipse - Sacrificial Fire & Lessons of Purva Bhadrapada

Lunar Eclipse Full Moon at 25° Pisces (tropical) , 3° Pisces (sidereal) conjunct Saturn and Neptune

Eclipses initiate us through thresholds, marking important endings and beginnings. Tonight’s lunar eclipse in the “Scorching Star” Nakshatra of Purva Bhadrapada is especially sacrificial. The lunar eclipse conjoins Saturn and may bring chapters of your life to a completion.

For insight into which area of life will be impacted note the houses or planetary positions along 25° Pisces/Virgo in your natal chart (if using a Western Chart) or 3° Pisces/ Virgo (if using a Vedic chart). My Patreon page has videos on the eclipse through each house axis to help you clarify the themes highlighted by this eclipse portal over the next six months. Link below:

What spiritual insight can be gained from the perceived loss? This is the realm of Neptune, also in tight orb of the eclipsed moon.

Purva Bhadrapada is symbolized by the fire of a cremation pyre. The natives of this nakshatra are here to play in the extremes of duality . There is an intense spiritual bent to Purva Bhadrapada, but also a curiosity to play with fire.

A key lesson of this Nakshatra is balancing worldly (Saturn) pursuits with the spiritual (Jupiter / Neptune).

The fire that illuminates can also burn. One prominent native of this Nakshatra, Aleister Crowley (Purva Bhadrapada moon) exemplifies the extremes of this part of the zodiac.

He was a spiritual seeker, mystic and teacher in many regards, but also played in the darker facets of the material realm via excessive sex and drugs.

Grace Kelly is another well known figure with Purva Bhdarapada moon. She was a sex symbol of the silver screen but also embodied the humanitarian and idealistic side of this nakshatra.

She quit acting at age 26 to devote herself to serving Monaco, raise her children and preside over the Red Cross of Monaco along with founding philanthropic organizations that supported children.

She described the legacy she wished to leave,

"I would like to be remembered as someone who accomplished useful deeds, and who was a kind and loving person. I would like to leave the memory of a human being with a correct attitude and who did her best to help others."

Each section of the sky bestows a special gift. In Purva Bhadrapada, it is the fire of transformation. This is connected to Kundalini Shakti. Tempered, this fire can bring great illumination. Burning out of control, it can be a destructive force that leads one astray with blinding self-deception and misuse of its force.

This lunar eclipse try reflecting on what areas of your life can pass through the sacrificial fire of Purva Bhadrapada to clear the way for new insights and inspirations. Sacrifice can feel painful, letting go may be frustrating yet it burns away attachments and allows us to surrender to a higher power.


Other prominent Purva Bhadrapada natives:

Hugh Hefner (moon in PB) , Martin Luther King (moon in PB), Josef Mengele (sun in PB), Sasha Grey (Sun in PB)