what is Lilith in astrology

Channeling Your Untamed Feminine with Lilith

What does Black Moon Lilith Mean in a Birth Chart?

Black Moon Lilith or “True Lilith” is a calculated point that represents the lunar apogee, the farthest point of the Moon's elliptical orbit around the Earth. It is calculated by finding the midpoint between the moon and the sun in an individual’s birth chart. Black Moon Lilith represents the dark, hidden, and primal aspects of a person's psyche.

It is often associated with raw desires, sexuality, unconventionality, and the shadow self as Lilith in mythology was the woman who refused to be under Adam.

Some individuals are what we might call “Lilith types” meaning Lilith is prominent within their natal chart. I.e. Lilith conjunct Sun, Moon, Asc or personal planets. Yet, everyone has Lilith located in a particular house and sign within their chart. We all have an area of life that we wish to liberate ourselves and express in a passionate and unconventional way.

Let’s explore the ways Lilith can manifest through the chart.

Lilith in the first house individuals tend to have a powerful and magnetic presence. They may command attention when they enter a room and leave a lasting impression on others.

  • You may channel your Lilith energy the most through your style and self expression, exploring unconventional ways of adorning yourself or changing your appearance and physicality.

Lilith in the 2nd house represents a radical liberation when it comes to self-worth and money. You may discover unconventional ways of making money, associate money with freedom and power.

  • You may be a radical hedonist, promote maverick ways of resourcing and learn new ways to relate to money and pleasure.

Lilith in the 3rd house I call Lilith here or in Gemini the "whistle blower". This is the Lilith that can stir up hidden truths or topics others may avoid.

  • You excel in your expression of taboo ideas. Your candid authenticity with speech and writing invites others to think about things in a fresh way. You can research and delve into topics that support society in seeing things in a new, if unflattering light to bring about transformation.

Lilith in the 4th house people can be challengers of traditional family roles or customs. They may experience darker emotions which encourages the exploration of cords, inherited trauma and ancestral ties.

  • You can seek to understand your ancestral roots and liberate yourself from family patterns that don’t serve. You may also have intense psychic awareness and can utilize this in transformational healing practices.

Lilith in the 5th house individuals have a forbidden muse within them. They possess a powerful and intense creative drive.

  • You may channel your emotions and experiences into your artistic pursuits, producing work that is deeply expressive and impactful. You can use it for captivating performance or exploring past-times that are a bit edgy.

Lilith in the 6th house individuals challenge capitalist or hierarchical models of labor as 6th house is traditionally the house of "servitude". Lilith here inspires individuals to think of service in a new way.

  • You can channel this Lilith for workplace equality and justice, speaking out against unfair treatment or oppressive work conditions. You may be an excellent problem solver and find new ways to organize people and systems, exploring the alternative ways of healing and reforming,

Lilith in the 7th house folks are relationship catalysts. They approach connecting in a unconventional way and may attract unconventional partners or “Lilith types”.

  • You can use your relationship experience as valuable teachings for understanding polarity, balancing independence and autonomy and healthy ways of sharing about more raw or vulnerable topics in the realm of relating.

Lilith in the 8th house is a placement of unhinged transformation. These individuals attract intense experiences to learn about life and death. They may go through spiritual crises or ego death more than the average person.

  • You can use your depth of understanding power and control to help liberate others from unresolved traumas. You may bring new insight into the topics of death, loss, sexuality and obsession.

Lilith in the 9th house brings people closer to the idea of “Truth” through rejection of beliefs and philosophies that may have been forced on them. They desire intellectual and spiritual freedom.

  • You may travel extensively and expose yourself to many different types of culture, philosophies and ideas about spirituality to ultimately come to your own unique position regarding higher knowledge. You may speak out against dogma and philosophies that serve to oppress rather than empower people.

Lilith in the 10th house is an enterprising rebel. These individuals reject the idea of working to survive and desire the ultimate freedom and pleasure in their career. They would rather fail in originality than succeed in conformity.

  • You are a role model for entrepreneurs and those who wish to be “self-made”. You can channel this Lilith in forward thinking business ideas, being a pioneer in your chosen profession and generally being seen in the world for following a unique path that may inspire others and liberate them from soul-sucking work.

Lilith in the 11th house is the self-proclaimed black sheep. Those born with this placement often struggled to feel a sense of belonging to any particular group.

  • You can channel this Lilith by creatively thinking of new ways to bring people together that honors their uniqueness. You may be a champion for underrepresented groups of people or individuals and have great insight on how to address problems that affect the fringe members of society.

Lilith in the 12th house natives are natural shadow workers. They may have learned many lessons regarding boundaries and energy.

  • You can penetrate into the unseen depths of the collective unconscious and utilize this to help others learn about energetic hygiene. You can use your psychic prowess for spiritual healing and moving beyond the challenges of the material world.

As you can see, Lilith represents more than sexuality. She is a permissiary of sorts and her placement in your chart can shine her dark luminance on the ways you can liberate yourself and dare to be different.

If you'd like a personalized reading of Lilith in your chart connected to your chart as a whole, book a session: